JobAdder JobRelay field reference guide

Auto mapped fields

These fields are sent by the posting provider and automatically mapped to be saved in WordPress. Job title is saved as the post title, job description saved to the post content and the job short description is saved as the post excerpt.

JSON nodeData typeExample valueNotes
job_titlestringWordPress DeveloperThe job title – no HTML allowed.
job_descriptionstringthe main description of the job. It can contain the following HTML elements
job_short_descriptionstringA short summaryA string of text to summarise the job.
job_sourcestringAwesome Job Posting ServiceA string representing the source of the job (where it was written). For example Broadbean, LogicMelon or Idibu

Fields which need mapping

These are fields sent in the data feed from JobAdder that need a mapping in WordPress. If they are not mapped to either meta or taxonomies, they will not be saved.

Learn how to map JobRelay fields in WordPress.

JSON nodeData typeExample valueNotes
salary_fromstring1000A number (float) for the lower salary.
salary_tofloat1500A number (float) for the upper salary.
salary_perfloatPerAnnumThe salary per value.
salarystring1500 PerAnnumA combination of the salary_to and salary per fields
salary_benefitsstringLaptop & healthcareFreetext, additional salary information.
job_locationstringLondon, UKThe job locatin string
job_typestringContractThe job/work type assigned.
job_industrystringITThe job industry or category assigned.
job_sub_categorystringAccountingThe sub category
job_bullet_pointsstring<ul><li>Point one</li></ul>The HTML of bullet points added in JobAdder
job_jidstring1568044The internal job id from JobAdder
application_emailstringemail@domain.comAn email address which applications should be sent to.
application_urlstring JobAdder hosting application form URL for this job.

Custom fields unique to client feeds

It may be that your unique XML feed to JobRelay from JobAdder contains custom fields. This are usually unique classifications and/or fields.

The are converted to lowercase and spaces replaced with underscores. For example, if you have a custom field with the name of “Display Location”, this will come through in the JobRelay feed named display_location.

Geo location fields

These fields are available for all providers. The providers don’t actually send this data. It is generated by JobRelay for each job and then sent onto your WordPress website.

JSON nodeData typeExample valueNotes
geo_latfloat53.19339The latitude of the job location.
geo_longfloat-2.89075The longitude of the job location.
geo_formatted_addressstringChester, UKThe formatted address of the location sent.
geo_citystringChesterThe name of the city for the geo located location
geo_country_shortstringGBThe shortened country name for the geo located location
geo_country_longstringUnited KingdomThe long country name for the geo located location
geo_administrative_area_level_2_shortstringCheshire West and ChesterThe short version of the second level administrative area.
geo_administrative_area_level_2_longstringCheshire West and ChesterThe long version of the second level administrative area.
geo_administrative_area_level_1_shortstringEnglandThe short version of the first level administrative area.
geo_administrative_area_level_1_longstringEnglandThe long version of the first level administrative area.

It is worth noting that not all of this data is available for every job. JobRelay uses the Google Geo coding API to obtain Geo data for each job, using the job_location field.

The location is run through the API and the resulting data sent on. Depending on the location string, not all this data may be available.

For example, if the location sent via JobRelay is Lancashire, UK, a geo_city value will not be present. This is because the location is not specific enough to return a city value.